Monday 11 April 2011

Spring has sprung

What a wonderful weekend we have just had up here in Moray 19oC on Saturday and Sunday, we have got the veggie beds finished can want to plant the seeds!! It is all so exciting and the kids really love planting the seed, they planted sunflowers so we are having a competion to see who can grow the tallest.  We also cleaned out our shed OMG did it need it, took all of it to the recycling centre good job done, we found lots of little mouse nests in the shed we will have to sort that out later in the year they have all going back to the fields for now thank goodness.  Our dogs were loving the good weather outside all day just the bestests for us puppies.

Hi Mum!!

 Oh whats in here mmmmm.....

And now for my great escape not bad for 19 months!!